22 January 2021: Completed
the overhaul of the Showa Forks on the BBG ST4s. My "how to guide"
for the ST4s Showa
Fork Overhaul is here. I learned a few things and while the
Showa 43mm fork is pretty common, the versions as installed on the 2002
and 2003 ST4s are unique. Spectro 5w fork oil and fresh inner and
outer bushings along with new seals and new dust wipers. Also
installing the "Senna" wheels that are from a 2004 ST4s Senna to make my
2002 BBG ST4s Senna.

27 September 2020: the BBG ST4s
joins the fleet!

September 2020:
I prefer the look of the regular nose fairing as
opposed to the DP Comfort Fairing...

Side panels were modified by the original owner to fit
and be removable while the nose fairing is still installed. Metal
bar with well nuts spans the gap.

Corrected the electrical mods and the Centech AP-2 power
distribution panel

Fabricated a bracket for the Nautilus Horn and relocated
and used the Ducati OEM horn bracket, moved it to desired position,
exchanged bolts and spacers and reoriented the steel brocket to hold my
stainless steel bracket that is attached to the horn body.

Fabricated a license plate turn signal relocator and
fender eliminator

Beginning to look more bike like. DP seat (it is
pretty cool and feel quite comfortable)

Fueled and started right up, let the vinegar and
distilled water come to temp and circulate for a while before drain and
thorough flush. Also notice fitted right side fan and led
illuminated manual control switch.

New AFAM rear sprocket 43T; Sil exhaust cleaned and

New silicon hoses, temps sensors, etc.
Thorough flush with vinegar and distilled water, x2.

Cleaned and lubed swing arm, with functioning stock
ride height adjustment link and cleaned Ohlins rear shock and spring
(still stock spring weight)

13 September 2020: Engine back into frame

Some wiring to correct. (Some great kit as
modifications - DD Headlight, Fused Power distribution panel, heavy duty
wiring to Powerlet socket under seat, Nautilus Horn, Heated grips, just
need to be tidied up, plus I added right side fan and made both manual
control) Cleaned up the loom with nice chemical resistant PVC
sleeving and got rid of the corrugated split plastic. Above is
photo of the Centech AP-2 power panel.

Early version Helibars...pulled and cleaned them when
I serviced the forks.

Mid September 2020: Parts arriving and
return from 5th Annual Moto Trip with Kelly Hines...time to begin
putting it back together. Fresh bearings for the fixed and adjustable timing
pulleys. Plus of course new California Cycle Works Exact Fit

August 2020: disassembly and cleaning
continues...Clutch was recently replaced by the original owner and pressure plate with
star retainer and is in great shape

Noticed the front sprocket was reversed...didn't get
much run time that way, about 1K mi since last replacement.

New lower and upper chain sliding shoe for the
swing arm...plus the bolts to fix the slider to the swing arm

Yikes, removed this "splice" below if you can all it that.
I think the original AMP connector must have melted and they cut in a
MOLEX connector for the fuel tank pump and fuel level sending unit...I
returned it to correct AMP connector.

Fresh head gaskets, clean pistons, valves and heads
cleaned and lapped.

Plenty of carbon on the pistons and heads:

Corrosion in the intakes, maybe he ran Seafoam into

28 July 2020: Of course the mouse entrance was
to get around the VRR, then into the air box.

27 July 2020: Started work on the BBG-ST4s!
She was in running condition at the start. Houston Superbikes
flashed DP ECU 5.9MM. Let it warm to get a compression check, then
shut it down and drained the fuel, started disassembly. It
sat for about 5 years, with only occasional starts... should have been a
clue that something might make a home in the air box, just like a story I read
on Ducati.ms . Sure enough, when I pulled the
air box cover (which was still OEM BTW) the nest and signs of a mouse or
something were sight to behold! LOL The photo below, shows
the air box cover top (upside down) and the debris side of the K+N
Filter, which washed up perfectly!

22 July 2020: Purchased a used 2002 ST4s in
Snowmass Village, CO, brought it home to Tennessee.